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Chief specialist of information technology management (civil service) in Golovne upravlinnya statistiki v Odeskiy oblasti

Posted more than 30 days ago


Golovne upravlinnya statistiki v Odeskiy oblasti

Golovne upravlinnya statistiki v Odeskiy oblasti

0 reviews
Without experience
Full-time work

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Requirements:education not lower than a bachelor's degree, fluency in the state languageMinimum (basic) knowledge and skills: PNR programming languages ​​(using at least one from popular Frameworks);the MySQL relational database management system;the standard markup language for creating HTML web pages and web applications;web development interfaces;construction of client-server architecture.Knowledge of the most widely used general-purpose programming languages, which are used to develop servic


  • education not lower than a bachelor's degree, fluency in the state language
  • Minimum (basic) knowledge and skills:
    • PNR programming languages ​​(using at least one from popular Frameworks);
    • the MySQL relational database management system;
    • the standard markup language for creating HTML web pages and web applications;
    • web development interfaces;
    • construction of client-server architecture.
  • Knowledge of the most widely used general-purpose programming languages, which are used to develop service application software, client programs, etc. .
  • Personal qualities: responsibility, systematicity and independence in work, persistence, punctuality, endurance (patience), focus on self-development, ability to work
  • For those who are "from scratch" and without of work experience, the main requirements are the desire to work in a state institution, study and create.

Working conditions: 8:30-17:00, Saturday-Sunday off

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Without experience
Full-time work
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