Dniprovska liga socialnih pracivnikiv, GO
NGO "Dniprovsk League of Social Workers" works in the field of social protection and support of vulnerable groups. In connection with the expansion of activity, we are looking for a qualified and responsible case manager of the project "Social Initiatives for families with children, at community level, in Dnipropetrovsk region" to work in the territorial communities of Dnipropetrovsk region. style = "font-weight: 700"> Specialist's main tasks: Provision of simple social services that do not
NGO "Dniprovsk League of Social Workers" works in the field of social protection and support of vulnerable groups. In connection with the expansion of activity, we are looking for a qualified and responsible case manager of the project "Social Initiatives for families with children, at community level, in Dnipropetrovsk region" to work in the territorial communities of Dnipropetrovsk region. style = "font-weight: 700"> Specialist's main tasks:
Provision of simple social services that do not require constant complex assistance, usually they are short-term and one-time (for example, consultation or representation of interests); social support). , if necessary, providing auxiliary social services provided in the form of non-food charitable assistance (according to the assessment of family needs); Preparing and submitting reporting on the state of provision and quality of social services. FONT-Weight: 400 "> requirements for the candidate: - Higher Education in the Humanitarian Sphere by Bachelor's Degree, Specialist and Master. Written skills (literacy, structuring of texts). advantage.
Working conditions:
- 100% involvement in the project;
- signing of the contract is made solely by the results of competitive selection;
- payment in accordance with the terms of the signed service agreement;
- the cost of services includes taxes and development;
- new tasks, skills and professional challenges;
- Competitive wages;
- The presence of FOP 3 groups will be an advantage.
If within 10 days (since the time of submission of the resume) we will not contact you-this means that the summary of knowledge and experience does not meet the requirements. In this case, we will be able to return to your candidate when you have relevant vacancies.Style = "font-style: normal; font-weight: 400"> Sending a resume, you consent to process and store your personal data. Style = "font-weight: 700">