International Holding Ama Invest https://www.linkedin.com/company/amainvest/posts/ has " , IT, financial services) including international span>
• Systemic knowledge and skills in financial analysis and modeling, management and financial accounting. FONT-Weight: 400 "/> • Practical experience in the preparation, management and analysis of the budget
• Database Experience (SQL): Creating Requests, Data Processing, Optimization SPAN>
• English Business Writing at the level of B1 (Pre-Interpediaate) Which will be auxiliary benefits for work:
• Working with multidimensional cubes (OLAP), Power Bi
• Knowledge of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS, ISFO) span>
Budgeting: span>
• Developmentand the preparation of the budgets of structural units and the holding as a whole. span>
• Analysis of financial indicators of holding. /span>
• Assessment of profitability of projects and investments. FONT-Weight: 400 "/> • Calculation of key financial coefficients. FONT-Weight: 400 "/> Creating and Working with Data Ages:
• Building, Data Analysis (OLAP +SQL). FONT-Weight: 400 "/> • Automation of financial statements through SQL requests and other tools. FONT-WIGHT: 400 "/> span> span>
Subordination: Holding SFO span> span>
• The ability to quickly professional and career growth in international business
• Tasks with" asterisk "that will not be bored and rob at work
• Management, which really respects people in business and is able to find win-win in cooperation span>
• Atmosphere of freedom, trust, professionalism, positive and mutual assistance among colleagues of all levels span>
• Regular OCurrency indexation fee span>
• official employment < /Span>