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Brand manager in Askaniya FMCG

19 февраля


Askaniya FMCG

Askaniya FMCG

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Without experience
Full-time work

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Group companies Askania multidisciplinary holding. For over 25 years we have been one of the leaders in the food and distribution market and have been actively developing the production of our own brands. companies and national networks of Ukraine, as well as with well -known brands: "Lavazza", "Tchibo", " Davidoff ", "K otanyi "," dilmah ", " rio Mare ", " cirio " Mr . Corn "," Okki ", " Hortex ","

Group companies Askania multidisciplinary holding. For over 25 years we have been one of the leaders in the food and distribution market and have been actively developing the production of our own brands. companies and national networks of Ukraine, as well as with well -known brands: "Lavazza", "Tchibo", " Davidoff ", "K otanyi "," dilmah ", " rio Mare ", " cirio " . Corn "," Okki ", " Hortex "," Nordic ", " Spela "," Skandinavika ", "Yarilo", "Gardenz", and others. /Strong>

We invite to our team: b Rand Manager (Bakalia)

Our expectations from the candidate:

  • advanced user MS Office (with in -depth knowledge Excel);
  • Knowledge of English no less level-intermed;
  • Ability to work with numbers, analyzeinformation.

  • Development of trademarks;
  • Development and implementation of pricing system, control of pricing policy in sales channels; /l>
  • development of assortment policy and liquid assortment matrix, new products to the market;
  • Participation in the purchase Definition of target consumer segments of the bakal category;
  • Organization of product presentations to potential consumers, clients, partners;
  • Marketing budget and planning, reporting; 400 "> forecasting expected profit and profitability;
  • Tracking pricing and demand for competitors' brands.

join our team and get:

  • Failure and mobile compensation;
  • health insurance discount; l>
  • discounts on products;
  • Ability to attend the gym in the office;
  • Professional development and career growth;
  • Work schedule: from 9.00 to 18.00, Sat Style = "font-weight: 400"> office location-Art. /Strong>

Please send a resume with the desired level of wages.

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Without experience
Full-time work
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