Company ProMotor (network of regional workshops for mechanical processing of car engine parts http://promotor.ua) invites a manager for the sale of auto parts, Kyiv.
We offer a job in the Company's staff, good conditions for professional and career development, competitive level salary and the opportunity to build a career in a leading domestic company.
Requirements: higher/secondary special technical education (advantage of specialties "Automobiles", "DVZ"). Ability to select spare parts from catalogs (printed and electronic), read drawings and technical diagrams. Work experience as a manager of sales of auto parts from 1 year.
Responsibilities: selection and provision of customers with components and consumables, spare parts (motor group), analysis of sales and filling of the warehouse? Interaction with suppliers.
Place of work: Kyiv, str. Ivan Dzyuba, 9 (Southern Borshchagika district).
Detailed information by phone 050 444-09-00.