Kantar Ukrayina
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are we - Kantar Ukraine . We have long and professionally engaged in our favorite business - we help companies and brands understand the consumer and make successful marketing solutions. We are looking for new friends who seek to join our friendly and talented team, which always seeks to provide clients with high-quality and effective broad-spectrum marketing services-from data collection to strategic decisions together and with our clients. Kantar Ukraine - Agency for Analytics, Marketing and Marketing Management Agency with a full range of services. We are developing and conducting marketing projects in all major business sectors. Kantar Ukraine is part of one of the world's largest communication groups, we are trusted by large clients, we are going to solve complex, interesting and non -standard tasks. Expands: as an agency, we offer the opportunity to join various businesses and industries. We are looking for a person who seeks to develop in the field of marketing and would like to specialize and expand expertise in the field of marketing services.
What is the perfect candidate for us? to develop in this direction
Tell us about yourself?
What is education? What relevant business/marketing experience do you have? What practical knowledge and skills do you have? What are the results and what do you want? /P>
in Kantar Ukraine we are proud of conducting effective and leading projects on the market that are noted customers. In this position you will play a direct role in conducting such projects, working closely with the whole team, and you will have extensive responsibilities and powers in the implementation of projects at all stages. Kantar Ukraine has established processes and broad expertise that help to develop and actively apply their knowledge and experience. In Kantar Ukraine, we are trying in every possible way to hold up trends, appreciate our staff and develop with them, so we keep a window of opportunity as widely as possible - we are an open company that is constantly seeking to eliminate restrictions and add professional development and career growth opportunities. We will actively support your development so you can expertly grow, be professionally realized and enjoyed work and your own success.
we offer:
Additional information about us can be obtained on our site - https://tns-ua.com/ and on the Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/kantarukraine/
to meet!**** By sending your resume to a vacancy you automatically give the processing consent of their personal data with the target of staff selection to our company.