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Installation Specialist and in natural assistance in Proliska, GO

14 March


Proliska, GO

Proliska, GO

0 reviews
Without experience
Full-time work
Puliska announces a competition for the replacement of a vacant position as a specialist in installation work and providing assistance in kind in Sumy NGO "Proliska" - a non -profit, non -political humanitarian organization, which has been awarded. in Ukraine. our organization operates in 13 regions of Ukraine and provides: social support for the most vulnerable persons affected by hostilities; providing psychological assistance to the victims; consulting on social issues; providing humanit

Puliska announces a competition for the replacement of a vacant position as a specialist in installation work and providing assistance in kind in Sumy

NGO "Proliska" - a non -profit, non -political humanitarian organization, which has been awarded. in Ukraine.

our organization operates in 13 regions of Ukraine and provides: social support for the most vulnerable persons affected by hostilities; providing psychological assistance to the victims; consulting on social issues; providing humanitarian aid and materials for emergency repairs of housing damaged as a result of hostilities; assistance to institutions and institutions where IDPs were found; Promotion in the evacuation of the population from the war zone and social transportation of residents of settlements along the line of combat and in de -industrial areas where regular transportation is not functioning.

and. Requirements for Contestants:

  • Higher Education (will be an advantage).
  • Free Knowledge of Ukrainian. to the area of ​​hostilities (exclusively on the control of the Government of Ukraine). Distribution Reports. harassment.

II. Functional responsibilities:

  • loading/unloading of goods in warehouses and at the places of delivery;
  • equipment and packaging of a product in a warehouse; non -food products;
  • Photo/video fixation of the distribution process;
  • comprehensive support during the evacuation of the population affected by hostilities, assistance in moving people and their personal belongings to temporary residence, evacuation and reporting, etc. Google Forms.

III. We offer a successful candidate:

  • Testing time up to 2 months, followed by a contract until December 31, 2025
  • A decent reward. to the affected population.

Summary must be sentWith the mandatory indication of the name of the competition offer to the email address [email protected] until April 11, 2025

on the results Interview.

If the relevant candidates are determined ahead of schedule, the NGO "Snowdrop" reserves the right to complete the process before the expiration of the above period.

Without experience
Full-time work
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