Viseven Group is an international Martech company specializing in interactive content and cloud solutions for global pharmaceutical companies since 2009. Constant growth and self -development are embedded in our corporate DNA. Our unique developments and approaches are actively used in more than 50 countries. Viseven's solutions are presented at large sectoral activities in Barcelona, Philadelphia, London, etc. The rapidly growing team includes more than 700+ highly skilled technical and non-
Viseven Group is an international Martech company specializing in interactive content and cloud solutions for global pharmaceutical companies since 2009. Constant growth and self -development are embedded in our corporate DNA. Our unique developments and approaches are actively used in more than 50 countries. Viseven's solutions are presented at large sectoral activities in Barcelona, Philadelphia, London, etc.
The rapidly growing team includes more than 700+ highly skilled technical and non-technical expert (Ukraine), Tallinn (Estonia), New Deli (India), Brjidoter (USA). Effects.
- Development and animation In particular, the animations of the figures in After Effects.
- Help in Video, Adding Muchn Graphics, Transitions and Special effects. Editions.
- Tracking trends in the field of mousser design and constant improvement of skills. FONT-WIGHT: 400 ">
- Willingness to work on the time of US time.
- Mastering the necessary software. Deadlines.
- Portfolio, showing work with moussn design.
- Working with:
- After Effects
- Adobe XD
- Figma
- Adobe Illustrator
- Photoshop
What do we offer?
- Competitive Reward and Regular Wage View.
- Professional and Career Growth.
- paid vacation-18 working days a year (20 working days after 2 years of cooperation). FONT-STYLE: Normal "> Hospital without supporting documents-4 working days a year. FONT-STYLE: Normal "> Documented Hospital-20 working days a year.
- Family Circumstances-3 paid working days (in case of marriage, birth of a child or grave loss).
- Complex Health Insurance (including massage and physiotherapy course).
- English Learning Courses.
- Ability to participate in professional forums and conferences. FONT-STYLE: Normal "> Regular Corporate Measures and Timbildings.
- experienced team and friendly atmosphere.
- nice work environment: comfortable, fully equipped office and opportunity to work at home.