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2D Motion-designer (Freelance) in Viseven

26 February




0 reviews
Without experience
Part-time work

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Viseven Group is an international Martech company specializing in interactive content and cloud solutions for global pharmaceutical companies since 2009. Constant growth and self -development are embedded in our corporate DNA. Our unique developments and approaches are actively used in more than 50 countries. Viseven's solutions are presented at large sectoral activities in Barcelona, ​​Philadelphia, London, etc. The rapidly growing team includes more than 700+ highly skilled technical and non-

Viseven Group is an international Martech company specializing in interactive content and cloud solutions for global pharmaceutical companies since 2009. Constant growth and self -development are embedded in our corporate DNA. Our unique developments and approaches are actively used in more than 50 countries. Viseven's solutions are presented at large sectoral activities in Barcelona, ​​Philadelphia, London, etc.
The rapidly growing team includes more than 700+ highly skilled technical and non-technical expert (Ukraine), Tallinn (Estonia), New Deli (India), Brjidoter (USA). Effects.


  • Development and animation In particular, the animations of the figures in After Effects.
  • Help in Video, Adding Muchn Graphics, Transitions and Special effects. Editions.
  • Tracking trends in the field of mousser design and constant improvement of skills. FONT-WIGHT: 400 ">
  • Willingness to work on the time of US time.
  • Mastering the necessary software. Deadlines.
  • Portfolio, showing work with moussn design.
  • Working with:
  • After Effects
  • Adobe XD
  • Figma
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Photoshop

What do we offer?

  • Competitive Reward and Regular Wage View.
  • Professional and Career Growth.
  • paid vacation-18 working days a year (20 working days after 2 years of cooperation). FONT-STYLE: Normal "> Hospital without supporting documents-4 working days a year. FONT-STYLE: Normal "> Documented Hospital-20 working days a year.
  • Family Circumstances-3 paid working days (in case of marriage, birth of a child or grave loss).
  • Complex Health Insurance (including massage and physiotherapy course).
  • English Learning Courses.
  • Ability to participate in professional forums and conferences. FONT-STYLE: Normal "> Regular Corporate Measures and Timbildings.
  • experienced team and friendly atmosphere.
  • nice work environment: comfortable, fully equipped office and opportunity to work at home.

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Without experience
Part-time work
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