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Business Development Officer in Marketing company

Posted more than 30 days ago


6 applications   0 responses

2000 - 4000$
2 years
Remote work
You’re responsible for the organization’s success in B2B clients and partners acquisition. You will start with a huge pipeline of leads consisting of the biggest names in the industry. We expect you to even increase the amount and quality of opportunities for company.


  • Oversee and support team efforts to secure, nurture and expand partnerships
  • Support strategic relationship management to ensure a strong connection with key partners
  • Design an executive business roadmap of potential business opportunities
  • Ensure partnerships bring meaningful and renewable revenue
  • Project strategy development and implementation
  • Publicly represent the company - public appearances, interviews, podcasts
  • Create bold and innovative revenue strategies to drive growth and maintain sustainability
  • Build long-term relationships with other communities and DAOs
  • Measure success. Analyze relevant KPIs, steer the effort, and evaluate your performance


  • Impeccable English skills (fluent or native)
  • Min. 1-3 years of experience working for start-ups and/or scale-ups as BDO/CBDO
  • Sales experience for enterprise; expert sales
  • On-hand experience of securing 50,000+ USD deals (web3 or recruiting)
  • The base of “warm” contacts to whom our product might be offered
  • Experience in building new business development teams, bonus points if you have an extensive network of professionals that may be good fit for the team
  • Deep conceptual understanding of the Web3 ecosystem (L1s-L2s, DeFi, NFTs)
  • Developed analytical & system thinking, allowing you to view a situation in the broader business context, above and beyond the minute details
  • Resourcefulness - ability to bring creative solutions to every problem and never see a challenge as a dead end
  • Ability to motivate and lead others to desired results

Experience requirements

  • 3+ years in business development for tech/recruitment companies 
  • 1+ year of experience in blockchain & Web3 

Bonus Points

Any university degree or a funny story about how you dropped out


  • Access and affinities with the best Web3 organizations, communities, and talent
  • Ability to shape and influence the organization’s core direction and strategy
  • Ability to implement your vision and the best of your experience

Work Conditions:

  • Fully remote
  • Flexible schedule

Salary range and bonuses:

  • Competitive salary, equity options, and solid success-based bonuses

Holidays, Vacations, sick days:

  • Open policy, you take the time you need when you need it

Specializations: .NET, C / C++ / Embedded, Front-End / JS, Android, iOS, Node.js, PHP, Python, Data Science, Java
Keywords: developer, remote, senior, blockchain, Web3
2000 - 4000$
2 years
Remote work
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