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Business Development Manager in AmayaSoft

Posted more than 30 days ago


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500 - 1000$
2 years
Full-time work

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Business Development Manager
Responsibilities: - Analysis of all incoming contracts; - Pedantry when working with documents; - Working with foreign missions in the future Requirements: - Work experience in a similar position at least three years; - Possession of competent oral and written speech, legal techniques for drafting and amending documents, skills in business negotiations and business correspondence; - Attentiveness when working with documents; - Proficiency in English at the avdanced level, because a large number of tasks for working with contracts in English are provided. It will be a big plus: - Experience in IT. Conditions: -Official design, competitive "white" salary. -Full time, 5/2 from 9:00 to 18:00; - Professional growth; ZP: FROM 5 MILLION AmayaSoft is a company that has been developing children's games for Android and iOS for over 10 years. The company's apps are sold in America, Europe and Asia, with total downloads exceeding 10 million.
Specializations: Business analyst

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500 - 1000$
2 years
Full-time work
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