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Business Analyst in Introduct Group

Posted more than 30 days ago


5 applications   0 responses

Introduct Group
Introduct Group
Info technology services
0 reviews
3000 - 4350$
More than 3 years
Upper Intermediate
Remote work
Maintain the development resources of the Baltic and international logistics team to ensure development capacity for planned development works, including the development of courier applications, international and Baltic logistics information systems.

Requirements + Responsibilities

Required experience and competencies of an analyst ( th international logistics information systems competencies).

Required experience:

  • At least 2 (two) reference projects and at least 36 months of work experience working in the procured role or in a role containing the same competencies as the procured role before the initiation of the public procurement (must be specified in the CV). The minimum amount of work performed for each reference project is at least 500 working hours. NB! The relevant experience does not include experience gained during studies or practice.

Required competencies:

  • Management of iterative software development;
  • Agile software development methodologies (Scrum, Kanban, XP);
  • Work with iterative design (in collaboration with designers);
  • Continuous System Integration Management;

International logistics information systems:

  • Integrations of systems of international logistics clients
  • International postal data exchange
  • Integrations of Estonian and Lithuanian customs systems
  • Competence with evolving architecture.

Making data-driven decisions:

  • Use of analytics in goal setting, workload management;
  • UX research;
  • AB and user testing.

Business Analysis:

  • Value stream mapping;
  • Process mapping;
  • Claims management;
  • Management of non-functional improvements.
  • System analysis competence.

Nice to have

  • Experience working with microservices and event-driven architecture
  • Experience working with Rest APIs

Working conditions

  • Remote, hybrid(may be call on demand to be on site
  • Competitive salary;
  • Ability to work completely remotely;
  • Employment benefits: training; english courses;
  • Friendly atmosphere and professional staff.

Specializations: Business analyst
Keywords: Business analyst, Office/Remote of your choice
3000 - 4350$
More than 3 years
Upper Intermediate
Remote work
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