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Data scientist in TechHunt

Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen

802 Ansichten

1 Bewerbung   0 Antworten

IT recruitment
0 Bewertungen
Mehr als 3 Jahre
Kiew, Charkiw, Odesa, Dnipro, Lemberg, Mykolajiw, Iwano-Frankiwsk, Uschhorod, Mukatschewo
Our partner is a USA-based technology startup that has an opening for a Data Scientist to join the team working on the maintenance and development of an auto ML system that assists organizations in making decisions and actions at each level of control.


  • building and deploying large-scale AI solutions using state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms (classification, regression, recommender systems, optimization, etc.)
  • working closely with a cross-functional team.

Required Skills:

  • 4+ years of demonstrated data science experience
  • Solid expertise with technologies like Python, Spark, TensorFlow, Numpy, PyTorch, OpenCV, Keras, scikit-learn etc
  • Prior experience in building data-intensive, scalable and secure analytic solutions using MySQL, NoSQL, ElasticSearch, Casandra, Caching technologies, Message Brokers (like ActiveMQ/RabbitMQ)
  • Experienced in Big Data Technologies, Apache Nifi and Streamsets
  • Research mindset and math-oriented intelligence;
  • Good technical written and spoken English.

Additional Skills:

  • Ability to work with AWS cloud and container technologies like Docker, Git (Github).
  • Knowledge of RESTful APIs
  • Familiarity with Linux/Unix/Shell environments

Spezialisierungen: Data Science, Python
Mehr als 3 Jahre
Kiew, Charkiw, Odesa, Dnipro, Lemberg, Mykolajiw, Iwano-Frankiwsk, Uschhorod, Mukatschewo
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