Posted more than 30 days ago
Considering options
Full-time office work
Part-time work
Remote work (full-time)
Freelance (one-time projects)
Remote work (full-time)
March 2016 - October 2020: NDA (PHP / Laravel) October 2020 - December 2020: Blogman (Backend Developer, PHP / Golang) December 2020 - Present: ******** (Backend Developer, PHP / Laravel) Skills MySQL, PHP, Git, Laravel, REST API, OOP, JavaScript, MVC, Linux, Docker, JSON, AJAX, jQuery, HTML, Redis, Composer, CSS, Nginx, Bootstrap, SQL, Jira, Vue.js, RabbitMQ, Postman, Web Development, PSR, Docker / Docker Compose, SOLID, Node.js Highlights I do bug hunting in my free time. Found vulnerabilities in applications from Yandex, Sony, MailRu, Fiverr, Committee (vc / tjournal / dtf), Skyeng, HideMyName VPN, Solar Staff (Flime), Webasyst and many others. Hall of Fame Yandex (nickname: romanov2andrew, May and April 2020): There are two award letters from Google for winning the Google Code-in (2018 and 2019) Looking for No layout, please.
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