Lead BackEnd Developer - 21724 Outstaffing

Posted more than 30 days ago
Specialization: BackEnd
Open to offers now
More than 5 years
Considering options
Full-time office work
Part-time work
Remote work (full-time)
Freelance (one-time projects)
5 years of experience in a Web Development team environment. Experience with Web Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, PHP, Laravel, Javascript, jQuery. Working knowledge of Data Formatting Technologies: XML, XSL, and JSON. Experience with Web Servers: Apache and NGINX. Strong understanding of Utility Languages: FTP, SSH, Shell Scripting. Experience with Common Development tools (Git, SVN, etc).
Lead BackEnd developer
Project 1. NDA
October 2021 - September 2022

Project description: Employee workload management system

Responsibilities: - legacy project analysis and initialization.

- search and complete elimination of erroneous solutions and bugs of the previous developer.

- developing new modules and systems under legacy conditions.

- self-proposals to improve performance and design of the solution.

- highly loaded communication with an external manager.

- leading the backend team and working closely with the frontend team

Technologies: PHP, Laravel, JS, jQuery, CSS

BackEnd developer
Project 2. NDA
March 2021 - October 2021

Project description: The project is the e-commerce platform for purchasing internet domains for hosting.

Responsibilities: My responsibility was development of new project:

- Database design;

- Implementing business logic ;

- Providing functionality;

- Creating Admin panels.

Technologies: PHP, MySQL, Laravel, PhpUnit, RESTful API,


BackEnd developer
Project 3. NDA
January 2019 - February 2020

Project description: SAAS platform for coaches.

Responsibilities: My responsibilities were altering and improving running startup, improvement

website performance:

- Database design

- Implementing business logic

- Providing functionality

- Creating Admin panels

- Making SPAs

- Third party API integrations

Technologies: PHP, MySQL, RESTful API, Docker

BackEnd Developer
February 2018 - January 2019

Project description: The project is the e-commerce platform for purchasing internet domains for hosting.

Responsibilities: - Database design

- Implementing business logic

- Providing functionality

- Creating Admin panels

Duration: PHP, Laravel, jQuery, CSS, CGI, XML

Lead BackEnd developer
Synapse Team
October 2021

BackEnd developer
January 2019 - October 2021

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Open to offers now
More than 5 years
Considering options
Full-time office work
Part-time work
Remote work (full-time)
Freelance (one-time projects)
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