- Able to accurately estimate delivery timescales.
- Good communication and organizationalskills.
- Ability to learn processes and systems quickly.
- Knowledge of IT architectures and technicalstandards.
- Intimate knowledge of object-oriented design principles and common design patterns.
- Making presentationsto customers.
Projects and technologies
Conjoint Marketing analysis
Technologies: React.js,Node.js, MongoDB, AWS(cognito)
Technologies: GatsbyJs,GraphQL,DatoCMS,TypeScript, StyledComponents
Technologies: Vue.js, Vuex,socket.io,css,scss, AWS
4GameChangers, ProSiebenSat
Technologies: Gatsby.js, GraphQL, DatoCMS
Technologies: Reactjs, hapi.js
Business Support Office
Technologies- React.js Strapi.js(CMS)
Built reusable componentswith React, Optimizing componentsfor maximum performance across a vast array of
web-capable devices and browsers.
Bringwebsite to life using Vue js, React. Experiencewith Firebase,Node.js, AWS (cognito,s3, ec2) ,MongoDB
Built Uicomponentswith React.js
Builtcomponentswith a JS framework ( React JS/ ) Serverwith (express and loopback)