Graduated from KSU in 1987, Faculty of RFF (Physical Electronics), full-time department,
According to my diploma, I am a research engineer.
Key professional skills:
Development of systems on microcontrollers:
STM Cortex M0 - M7, L0 - L4, H7, etc. (*51, AVR, PIC,...).
Programming: C (Keil, IAR), (much earlier - Assembler).
PCB layout: P-CAD 2006 SP2 (I can study Altium).
In perspective:
- writing high-level programs in C#
(I write a little in Builder C++ V.6);
English - intermediate level (conversational + translation of technical text).
My main achievements, developments, projects:
- hardware and software complex for controlling the movement of the meter
reflector telescope according to a given ephemeris of motion
Artificial Earth Satellites;
- two-color LED Running Line with command flow control
within the text (the first in Kyiv or even in Ukraine);
– fiscal controller of cash register;
– a device for non-invasive determination of the level of hemoglobin in human blood
(using Actel FPGA);
- controller for electrical invasive neurostimulation of the peripheral
human nervous system;
- robotic complex for recognition and rejection of unfilled
boxes of finished products from the Coca-Cola plant conveyor;
– control and positioning system for self-propelled warehouse trolleys;
- controller for dynamic filtering of unwanted spectrum of mechanical
vibrations of the operator's video camera drive;
– remote GPRS control system for the operation of an electric generator;
– a system for monitoring and controlling a long audio line of a sound amplifier
frequencies with a power of 400W;
- systems for guaranteed control of valves of the first circuit of a nuclear power plant
nuclear power plant reactor;
– complex multi-channel (20...40) RGB controllers for outdoor advertising;
Supporting skills:
- metalworking, including manual metalworking
power tools;
- welding works (only ferrous metal, amateur level);
- assembly work, installation, commissioning,...;