3D Artist - 28607

Posted more than 30 days ago
Specialization: Android iOS
Open to offers now
More than 5 years
Upper Intermediate
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Full-time office work
Part-time work
Remote work (full-time)
Freelance (one-time projects)
I am motivated, quick to learn, constantly improving my skills, open to criticism, enjoy unconventional tasks, and have been working remotely for a long time, so I have good experience in time management. I have had a passion for computer games since childhood and I'm happy to work as a 3D artist in the gaming industry. I have several shipped projects for both mobile devices and PC. The latest released title: Colony Ship: A Post-Earth Role Playing Game by Iron Tower Studio
OSACEA (Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture)
Specialist. Faculty: Architecture
Specialty: Architect
September 2004 - June 2012

3D Artist | 3D Concept
Iron Tower Studio
September 2021

Creature Design, Props, Stuff and Hard Surface Modeling

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Open to offers now
More than 5 years
Upper Intermediate
Considering options
Full-time office work
Part-time work
Remote work (full-time)
Freelance (one-time projects)
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