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Я почав свій шлях розробки як інтерфейсний веб-розробник, використовуючи AngularJS/Angular 2+.
За останні 5 років я отримав великий досвід у багатьох комерційних проектах. Я працював із завданнями високого тиску та забезпечував стабільність і високу продуктивність кожного разу.
Окрім досвіду розробника інтерфейсу, я продовжував розширювати межі своїх технічних навичок і успішно закінчив курси NestJS. Завдяки цьому я вже маю комерційний досвід роботи з Node.js (NestJS + MongoDB) / ReactJS і React Native.
Маючи пристойний досвід у цих сферах, я все ще відкритий для навчання, нових досягнень і зростання як професіонал.
Я впевнений, що найнявши мене, ви підштовхнете ваш проект до нових меж.
Project description: NDA
Responsibilities: - Upgraded application from AngularJS to Angular 14
- Covered Cypress and Unit tests for 80%+ of components
- Created a Storybook for all components
- Redesigned full application
- Fixing bugs in ReactJS and React Native applications
- Hiring and training technical personnel
- Delegating work and assignments to team members
- Collaborating with their team to identify and fix technical problems
- Analyzing users' needs and then finding applications to serve them
- Creating end goals for their team
- Guiding their team through technical issues and challenges
Project description: NDA
- Developing and fixing the application;
- Adding functionality for the distribution/transfer of calls;
- Fixing memory leaks and problems with the performance of the application associated with a huge number of socket events;
- Adding new functionality.
Responsibilities: Front End Developer
- Development and maintenance of complex frontend solutions with Angular 2-8;
- Utilized cutting edge Angular 2-8 and HTML5 approaches & techniques, various libraries;
- Database work with relational DBs;
- Resolved 250+ critical bugs in the company's product to improve performance and help customers.
Full Stack developer:
- Produced code that set structured standards for scalability, reusable and highly
testable across the MEAN Stack;
- Designed, implemented, and supported distributed systems;
- Created responsive websites with a rich user experience across all platforms;
- Software development and maintenance;
- Deployment.
- Authentication service with JS frameworks;
- Development of sophisticated solutions on the frontend (Angular 2+);
- JavaScript development for either client projects and the company's internal products, web applications with a focus on real- time updates (webrtc/websockets/xmpp);
- Learning Angular framework at workshops under the supervision of the company's Teachleads.