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Дарья Козяревская рекрутер A-HR.pro

Team Lead в A-HR.pro

Переведено Google

О себе

Руководитель команды A-HR.pro

Открытые вакансии
Размещено больше 30 дней назад

Бонус при приеме на работу: 500$

Web Developer
Размещено больше 30 дней назад
This is a global digital commerce company that provides end-to-end services — from creating a data-driven strategy and delivering UX services to building an ecommerce solution for a variety of clients. With 20+ years’ experience, 1,400+ ecommerce specialists, more than 3,000 projects completed, and dozens of industry accolades, we excel at maximizing the brand and business value of every digital commerce touchpoint. Company currently operates in 14 countries with 20 offices worldwide.

Переведено Google

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