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Senior Backend Developer 4000$, Ереван, Более 5 лет experience, Upper Intermediate
Размещено больше 30 дней назад
Python Laravel Node.js AWS
Working since 2016. Officially certified laravel developer. Working with NodeJS and Python since 2018. Using PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, Elasticsearch, DYnamoDB, MongoDB and SQLite databases. Using about 15 services from AWS. Open-source development fan, linux enthusiast.
Product Designer 3000$, Харьков, Более 5 лет experience, Upper Intermediate
Размещено больше 30 дней назад
UX / Design
Hi there! I'm a UX/UI/Product Designer from Ukraine and AVAILABLE to relocate to European Union. With 10+ years of experience, I specialize in creating visually appealing and user-friendly user interfaces. I'm eager to move to Poland or another EU Country and take on new challenges.
Python Engineer 1000$, Краков, Варшава (4), 1 год experience, Upper Intermediate
Размещено больше 30 дней назад
🚀 Skilled Software Engineer specializing in Python (3.x), Django, Flask, FastAPI, REST API, SQL (Alembic, SQLAlchemy), NoSQL (MongoDB, MongoEngine), Redis, RabbitMQ, Docker, GitHub/GitLab. Proficient in test automation (Selenium, unittest, pytest), OOP, SOLID, DRY, YAGNI, and KISS. Efficient multitasker, adept at client communication, and innovative in problem solving. Goal: Drive company growth through timely project completion. Excited to contribute and explore opportunities. 🌟
Java developer 500$, Киев, 1 год experience, Intermediate
5 марта 2025
Java developer specializing in building REST applications using Spring Boot. Experienced in JIRA, databases (Hibernate, Liquibase), testing, documentation (Swagger), and deployment. Entrepreneurial background in wholesale and retail trading of office equipment and PC components, with experience in team management. Skills: Java, Spring (Boot, MVC, Security), Hibernate, JPA, SQL, MongoDB, Kafka, Docker, Kubernetes, Git, microservices architecture, WebClient, OpenFeign, Resilience4j.
Java developer Одесса, Более 3 лет experience, Pre-Intermediate
5 марта 2025
A determined and versatile professional with a rich IT background, from low-level programming (x86 Assembly) and Perl-based web development to modern Java applications and cloud infrastructure (Azure). Experienced in delivering practical solutions—such as a file-based forum and videoconferencing platform—and leading teams, I am eager to grow in backend development and contribute to impactful projects.
Technical Director 12000$, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Более 5 лет experience, Advanced/Fluent
3 марта 2025
Experienced video game developer and technical director, AAA titles, console and mobile platforms.
virginia cohabitation law Вирджиния-Бич, 1 год experience, Начинающий
3 марта 2025
The cohabitation law in Virginia is a significant factor to take into account while discussing family law, alimony, and divorce. Two persons who live together in a close relationship but are not legally married are said to be cohabitating. However, absent special arrangements, such domestic partnership contracts, cohabiting spouses do not enjoy the same legal rights and protections as married couples.
writer Брантфорд, 1 год experience, Advanced/Fluent
3 марта 2025
I am an English major at Wilfrid Laurier University. I desire a job relating to writing and/or research. I am very flexible and can learn new experiences fast.
editor 150$, Шеффилд, Более 3 лет experience, Advanced/Fluent
3 марта 2025
Adobe After Effects
I am a videographer, photographer and editor.
Web 3D Developer 5000$, Steinbach, Более 5 лет experience, Intermediate
3 марта 2025
Front-End / JS 3D Animation
WebXR and game developer with 5+ years of experience in Babylon.js, WebGPU, and real-time 3D applications. I enjoy solving technical challenges and building immersive experiences. Always eager to learn and contribute to innovative projects.
Frontend Developer 600$, Ташкент, 1.5 года experience, Начинающий
1 марта 2025
JavaScript React Next.js CSS
Ilyosbek Axmedjanov – Frontend Developer Experienced Frontend Developer skilled in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS, and Next.js. Proficient in creating modern, user-friendly interfaces using TailwindCSS. Experienced in building dynamic and responsive web applications, with a portfolio of diverse projects on GitHub. Passionate about continuous learning and exploring new technologies.
Trainee Python developer Винница, Без опыта, Pre-Intermediate
1 марта 2025
Цель – устройство на позицию Trainee / Junior Backend Developer. Изучаю Python и принципы ООП, осваиваю Django для создания веб-приложений. Работаю с Docker для контейнеризации, использую PostgreSQL для работы с базами данных, владею Git для контроля версий. Интересуюсь архитектурой приложений и оптимизацией кода. Готов применять знания в команде, решать реальные задачи и развиваться как Backend Developer. Открыт для стажировок и предложений.
3D Artist 700$, Киев, Николаев, 1 год experience, Upper Intermediate
1 марта 2025
I am an aspiring 3D Generalist. I have 1 year of experience in Blender. I also have experience with different utilities, such as Photoshop, Figma, etc. I'm capable of creating basic UI designs and painting textures. I also took my part in creating a project for the Game Jam, where I coordinated a team of developers.
Full Stack Developer 1500$, Баку, Более 3 лет experience, Upper Intermediate
1 марта 2025
Creative and forward-thinking professional creates cutting-edge websites and applications for high-profile clients with challenging demands and visions. Skilled project manager, team leader and analytical problem-solver with top-notch organizational, scheduling and code verification skills. Teaching, supporting beginners and the community is my favorite.
2d animator Монктон, Более 3 лет experience, Advanced/Fluent
1 марта 2025
2D Animation
Highly creative and self-motivated college graduate with a passion for art.
Backend developer (Python, AI/LLM) 1600$, Чернигов, 1.5 года experience, Intermediate
27 февраля 2025
As a Backend Developer with a Master's degree in System Analysis from IASA, I combine a strong mathematical foundation with hands-on experience in artificial intelligence technologies. My academic background in complex systems and data analysis, coupled with practical expertise in integrating LLMs and NLP services, allows me to efficiently build AI-powered solutions. Quick to master new technologies and frameworks, I maintain a careful balance between innovation and reliability in my solutions.
Інженер електроніки, embedded developer 1200$, Киев, Более 5 лет experience, Intermediate
27 февраля 2025
C / C++ / Embedded
Разработка систем на микроконтроллерах: STM Cortex M0 - M7, L0 - L4, H7 и др. (*51, AVR, PIC,...). Программирование: С (Keil, IAR), (гораздо ранее - Ассемблер). Разводка П/П: P-CAD 2006 SP2 (Altium могу изучить).
Trainee/Junior Java Developer 500$, Одесса, Без опыта, Intermediate
27 февраля 2025
HOBBY Cooking, BBQ, Cars, Football
JavaScript / Front-End / HTML Киев, 0.5 года experience, Intermediate
27 февраля 2025
Front-End / JS
Я зацікавлена у позиції Front-End Developer. Маю досвід роботи з React, TypeScript, Redux Toolkit, Redux Persist, Vite, Git, i18n, Tailwind CSS, HTML та CSS/SCSS, SCSS module та ін. У моїх попередніх проєктах я реалізувала адаптивний дизайн та інші функціональні можливості, які дозволяють створювати зручні й ефективні інтерфейси. У груповому проєкті виступала тім-лідом, координуючи роботу 4 розробників та забезпечуючи успішне виконання завдань.
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