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Full Stack-разработчик, способный создавать безопасные и элегантные решения за минимальное время. Увлечен правильностью и чистотой кода, следует отраслевым стандартам и следит за соблюдением передовых практик кодирования. Инновационный и нестандартный мыслитель, ориентированный на командную работу и энтузиаст основ информатики. Любите сложные задачи: чем сложнее, тем лучше. Идеи проносятся в моей голове, как сверхскоростной поезд. Начал программировать еще в 12 лет и до сих пор добился успеха, начиная от соревновательного программирования и заканчивая готовыми продуктами.
■ Projects:
□ Alldone: A collaboration tool to handle any kind of project easily and productively
■ Team: 4 members | Software Engineer
■ Main Technologies: Firebase, React, React Native, Redux, Algolia, Figma, Scrum, Gitlab
■ Projects:
□ Craftale: An open world RPG video game
■ Team: 2 members | Co-founder and co-developer
■ Main Technologies: Monogame, Gitlab, Github, HLSL, SQLite
□ Craftale Manager: A asset tool for handle video game content
■ Team: 1 member | Software Engineer
■ Main Technologies: Next.js, Node.js, React Typescript Gitlab, Vercel
□ Jungle Run: A board game
■ Team: 1 member | Software Engineer
■ Main Technologies: Monogame
□ Coloring: A development tool for work with in-game graphic assets
■ Team: 1 member | Software Engineer
■ Main Technologies: Monogame, HLSL
■ Projects:
□ PcTracker: A tracking software with modules for inventory monitoring, relationship management, staff administration and generation of reports
■ Team: 1 member | Software Engineer
■ Main Technologies: React, Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB, GraphQL
□ PcTracker Mobile: Mobile version of PcTracker
■ Team: 1 member | Software Engineer
■ Main Technologies: React Native, Firebase
□ TE Salario: A platform to manage workers, attendance, payrolls and pay days
■ Team: 1 member | Software Engineer
■ Main Technologies: React, React Native, MongoDB
■ Projects:
□ Publicity Websites: Websites for two rent houses and one of for a photographic study
■ Team: 1 members | Software Developer
■ Main Technologies: Javascript
■ Projects:
□ Sistematic: A system to manage non living assets, payrolls, customers and sales in the agriculture industry
■ Team: 3 members | Software Engineer
■ Main Technologies: C#, .Net, Entity Framework, Crystal Reports, PostgreSQL
□ Animatic: A system to manage animals assets in the agriculture industry
■ Team: 3 members | Software Engineer
■ Main Technologies: C#, .Net, Entity Framework, Crystal Reports, PostgreSQL
■ Projects:
□ Venezuelan Electronic Passport: An application to handle RFID communication and security of Venezuelan electronic passports
■ Team: 2 members | Software Developer
■ Main Technologies: Java
□ Lunariets: A browser rpg game
■ Team: 2 members | Software Developer
■ Main Technologies: Javascript, Php, Sql
□ Beisbol Tr: An application to calculate and manage the trainings indicators of baseball players
■ Team: 1 member | Software Developer
■ Main Technologies: Java