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Frontend developer - 22335 Outstaffing

Размещено больше 30 дней назад
Специализация: Front-End / JS
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Переведено Google

Я фронтенд-разработчик с 4-летним стажем. Самоорганизованный, мотивированный, ориентированный на результат и уверенный в стеке фронтенд-технологий. Всегда ищите новые вызовы, но старайтесь сохранять баланс между работой и личной жизнью.
React developer
Апрель 2022

Project for the French education company, a website where users can learn languages. The main tasks were - bug fixing, minor new features, and code reviews. The web team consists of 3 front- end developers, 1 QA, 2 back-end developers, and 1 designer. Technology stack: React, RxJS, Redux, Redux-observable, i18n, GitLab, bitBucket, custom ui-library.

Frontend developer
Август 2021 - Апрель 2022

This project was created to control and analyze the company's cargo delivery. I was part of a small company that included two frontend developers, one backend, and a product manager. My responsibilities included creating components for displaying data and their analytics (various tables), maintaining and refactoring existing code, creating new components, and improving code quality. I got a lot of experience in coding, teamwork, and communication. Technologies and tools: React, React Hooks, Redux, TypeScript, Material UI, Postman

Frontend developer
Апрель 2020 - Август 2021

Project for an advertising company that provides services for the delivery push-notification for the global companies. Our main task was to develop a form to submit a ticket to the customer support portal from the main user panel. The form consisted of several required and optional fields that are required by the support team. The implemented technology also transmitted user data, website URL and analytics data. Our team consisted of 4 front-end developers and 5 back- end developers. We used Python Django on the backend and React, Redux, Redux- Saga,Typescript on the frontend. For testsing - Enzyme and React testing library.

Frontend developer
Сентябрь 2018 - Март 2019

Development of an internal platform that collected information (weather, acreage, air humidity, amount of solar energy) and predicted the harvest. It was also possible to fill in, complete tables, and graphs, and calculate profitability. We used Sympfony on the backend and React, Typescript, and Angular on the frontend.

Похожие кандидаты

Переведено Google

Открыт для офферов
Более 3 лет
Рассмотрение вариантов
Работа в офисе на полный рабочий день
Частичная занятость
Удаленная работа (полный рабочий день)
Фриланс (одноразовые проекты)
Переезд в другой город
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