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HTML5/CSS Javascript React js React Hooks react-router React Redux GIT Hub Figma Node js (express framework) Express.JS Type Script Next.js
06.01.2021 – 09.01.2021 ВЫПУСК «ИТ-ИНКУБАТОР» ИТ-ИНКУБАТОР 09.01.2018 – НАСТОЯЩЕЕ ВРЕМЯ ФАКУЛЬТЕТ ИНФОРМАЦИОННО-КОМПЬЮТЕРНЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ Житомирский политехнический университет
I used knowledge HTML5 / CSS3 / JS / React / Redux in Dual Education company. In this company I am improved skills by code and learned how to work at team. Now, I understand how to write well-formed, compatible code.
• Layout of flexible and adaptive sites of varying complexity using HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap 4;
• Using JavaScript (ES5 and 6) to create logic and additional interactivity on the site;
• Writing structured code with the SASS preprocessor;
• Setting up projects with Gulp builder and npm package manager;
• Applying AJAX technology and knowledge of network protocols to implement asynchronous website updates;
• Using React to Simplify Web Application Development;
• Using TypeScript and Angular to create complex SPA applications;
• Using React.js to easily develop web application user interfaces;
• Working with the Git version control system and GitHub project hosting service.