Alina Vtorenco recruiter Insoft Global

Recruiter unter Insoft Global
Eröffnete Positionen
Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen

Einstellungsbonus: 10 % des Monatsgehalts

System Administrator
Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen
Until February 15th, we are looking for a System Administrator, who is ready to take the initiative in our Team and offer non-standard solutions. We need your ability to ensure the viability of offices and solving technical issues of teams in combination with our experience to make our work better :)
Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen

Einstellungsbonus: 10 % des Monatsgehalts

DevOps engineer
Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen
Until February 15th, we are looking for a proactive and self-motivated DevOps Engineer willing to be responsible for accelerating software development at different stages: development, quality assurance, deployment and integration. We need your ability to build system development and transform business requirements into tasks for developers, in combination with our experience to make our infrastructure services better :)
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