Natalia Korchahina recruiter Envion Software

Recruiter unter Envion Software
Eröffnete Positionen
Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen

Einstellungsbonus: 10 % des Monatsgehalts

C++ with speech recognition experience
Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen
If you would like to work with a great international team, YOU are welcome! We’re waiting for curious and talented people to work remotely on a full-time basis. Write, we will be happy to talk! Time zone: PST time zone Job Type: Full-time Work Location: Remote
Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen

Einstellungsbonus: 10 % des Monatsgehalts

Data Scientist, NLP with speech recogn. (Kaldi)
Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen
If you would like to work with a great international team, YOU are welcome! We’re waiting for curious and talented people to work remotely on a full-time basis. Write, we will be happy to talk! Time zone: PST (this position requires work during this time) Job Type: Full-time Work Location: Remote
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