Irina recruiter United Tech

Recruiter unter United Tech
Eröffnete Positionen
Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen

Einstellungsbonus: 10 % des Monatsgehalts

Senior Android Developer (New Product)
Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen
We are developing a new streaming platform and looking for Android Developer to join our team. 3+ yrs. of experience in Android application development; Knowledge of data storage mechanisms (SQLite, Room); Experience with Dagger 2/Hilt/Koin,Coroutines; Practical experience with third party libraries (Retrofit, OkHttp, Glide, etc.)
Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen

Einstellungsbonus: 10 % des Monatsgehalts

Senior Product Analyst
Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen
We invite to our team a Senior Product Analyst with experience for web products who is able to help us in building product & marketing analytics for our platform and bring new insights.
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