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Einstellungsbonus: 150$ - 250$

UI/UX Designer in TexenDev

Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen

1121 Ansichten

22 Bewerbungen   0 Antworten

Inhale technology into your business
0 Bewertungen
Veronika Shmarovoz
1500 - 2500$
2 Jahre
Obere Mittelstufe
We are hiring UI/UX Designers with at least 2 years of practical experience (could be studying or working experience, or both combined) in UI design and product researches.

Your responsibility for this role may include:

  • Collaborate and meet weekly with international teams on the development of the company's product.
  • Fluently operate UI/UX design software including Figma and Adobe and design software including Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
  • Research, wireframe, design, and prototype the product's UI/UX.
  • Sync weekly with the engineering team to align design and product.
  • Keep good communication within a design team and report your progress in time.

  • A bachelor's or master's degree in graphic design/design/human-computer interface design, or any equivalent experience, is preferred.
  • A strong portfolio showing your past UI/UX design work and researches is required.
  • Full working proficiency in both Mandarin and English is a plus, but not necessary. Your language skills will NOT undermine your candidacy for this role.
Spezialisierungen: UI/UX Design
Schlüsselwörter: ui/ux designer
1500 - 2500$
2 Jahre
Obere Mittelstufe
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