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Einstellungsbonus: 10 % des Monatsgehalts

Sales Manager in Phenomenon studio

Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen

301 Ansichten

1 Bewerbung   0 Antworten

0 Bewertungen
2 Jahre
Obere Mittelstufe
We are currently looking for Sales Manager

✅ Essential Skills:

- Understanding of Sales pipeline

- Discovering new leads via mass communication to identify appropriate buyers within the target market

- English level — Upper-Intermediate or higher

- Account management skills

- Enthusiastic

- Highly motivated

- Team player

- Analytical & problem-solving skills

Will be a plus:

- Work experience with any CRM and other Sales/Marketing tools

- Ability to manage negotiations

- Experience in preparation project proposals (communication with the development team)

- Experience in collaboration with marketing department

- Conduct research to identify potential prospects

✅ Tasks:

- Communication with customers and deals closing

- Management of CRM-system

- Building sales processes in a team with lead generations

- Search for ways and methods of additional sales

- Testing new hypotheses and researching best practices in IT sales

✅ What we offer:

- Competitive salary rate (based on interview results) + percentage from closing the deal

- Remote employment + flexibility of schedule

- Official registration

- Paid vacation and sick leave

- A team of professionals (about 30 people) working with startups from the U.S., Europe, and Canada

- Flexible system of review and compensation increases

If you're ready to be part of our team and work together on big and meaningful projects, we're waiting for your resume!

Spezialisierungen: Sales
Schlüsselwörter: Sales manager, B2B sales
2 Jahre
Obere Mittelstufe
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