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Node.js Tech Leader in ITSOFT

Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen

483 Ansichten

0 Bewerbungen   0 Antworten

0 Bewertungen
Über 5 Jahre
We’re looking for a Backend developer for developing APIs, microservices, flexible interfaces, at massive scale across multiple continents.

Proven knowledge in team leading experience.

- 70% managing and 30% coding

● In-depth knowledge and experience developing API’s and


● Strong proficiency with JavaScript at least 4.5 years

● Knowledge of Node.js and frameworks available for it (such as Express, Adonis, etc.)

● Understanding the nature of asynchronous programming and its quirks and


● Understanding fundamental design principles behind a scalable application

● Experience working with various data storage solutions such as Redis, MongoDB, etc.

● Experience working with Queuing solutions such as gearman, RabbitMQ, SQS, etc.

● Implementing automated testing platforms and unit tests

● Proficient understanding of code versioning tools, such as Git

● Familiarity with cloud services such as AWS and GCP

● Experience working with Linux

● Experience with CI/CD processes

Spezialisierungen: Node.js, Express.js, AWS
Schlüsselwörter: developer, AWS, Mongo DB, tech lead
Über 5 Jahre
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