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Einstellungsbonus: 10 % des Monatsgehalts

Lead Angular Architect in ANVI

Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen

168 Ansichten

0 Bewerbungen   0 Antworten

Outstaffing Solutions
4 Bewertungen
Über 5 Jahre
Obere Mittelstufe
Our company is looking for an experienced developer Lead Angular Architect. About us: ANVI is an international Ukrainian-Israeli company that has been operating for over 8 years. At the moment, our team has more than 70 employees working remotely. The company deals with outstaff and outsourcing vacancies, cooperates with Canadian, American, Israeli, and European companies.


  • In-depth knowledge of Angular and the Angular ecosystem, including unit and e2e testing, build and performance optimization, and DevOps integration
  • Ability to analyze and manage requirements on a program management level
  • Ability to make informed and architecturally sound decisions as well as document and present them up to C-Level
  • Knowledge of coding best practices for common web technologies (like Typescript or SCSS) and the ability to establish and document coding guidelines and best practices used by multiple development teams
  • Good understanding of programming standards like test-driven development and contract-first development
  • Experience in creating and documenting component libraries (e.g. through storybooks)
  • Experience with: UI/UX design, user research/design thinking, Scrum with multiple project teams / multiple product owners / program-management level


  • You will head the efforts to analyze, collect and manage the technical requirements of our existing product teams
  • You will be responsible for defining the whole reference frontend architecture, incl. used packages, testing frameworks, DevOps integration, etc.
  • You will lead the implementation efforts for our company-wide component library
  • You will collaborate with our head of design and user research/UX department to align the component library to our design guide and customer needs
  • You will work with our product teams to implement the component library in the respective products and use feedback from the product teams to further the development of the component library in an agile fashion

What do we offer:

Remote work from anywhere in the world

Paid sick days

Paid vacation days

Paid Public Holidays

English courses

Ability to receive your salary through Payoneer

Career growth

Spezialisierungen: Angular, DevOps, UI/UX Design
Schlüsselwörter: Lead Angular Architect
Über 5 Jahre
Obere Mittelstufe
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