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JIRA/Confluence & Signavio in ANVI

Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen

265 Ansichten

0 Bewerbungen   0 Antworten

Outstaffing Solutions
4 Bewertungen
IT recruiter
Mehr als 3 Jahre
Obere Mittelstufe
You will be responsible for setting up the technical requirements of a new project in JIRA/Confluence, Signavio and all intermediary tools/modules that help both teams to work together and share elements of data.

 Your responsibilities include managing setting up new projects in JIRA/Confluence and Signavio, ensuring the correct setup of the technical concepts between both applications makes it possible to export and import data between them. In addition you are responsible for training the users about these features, supervising any technical problems between the systems (e.g. if a new bug is reported for either application) and ensuring that all new features are ready for client feedback before going live - due any time!


  • JIRA/Confluence & Signavio
  • Consulting skills
  • able to recommend possible solutions based on requirements budget and timeline
  • able to provide design approaches and translate it into a tech solutions
  • Language: English
  • Agile
  • JAVA programming is a plus
Spezialisierungen: Support
Schlüsselwörter: JIRA, Confluence
Mehr als 3 Jahre
Obere Mittelstufe
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