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DevOps in A-HR.pro

Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen

266 Ansichten

1 Bewerbung   1 Antwort

Recruitment Agency
0 Bewertungen
Mehr als 3 Jahre
Obere Mittelstufe
Our client is looking for a DevOps. The company is an award-winning influencer marketing company based in London. The company was named the best marketing company in Europe 2019.

Project and Team

The product is a specialized Influencer search engine providing results catered to need of a specific brand as indicated by our algorithms and psychometric methodology. We collect information about YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok influencers in order to build a database of persons of interest.

The team works remotely.


Design, implement and support the data processing infrastructure on Google Cloud and other providers.

Implement CI/CD processes for Data Pipelines and ML models.

Work together with the software engineering team to establish DevOps best practices.

Maintain security baseline for company systems and processes.

Required experience and skills

7+ years of experience in systems/software engineering

Solid understanding of Linux/Unix operating environment

Knowledge of network protocols (TCP/IP, SSH, HTTP, SMTP, etc)

Familiarity with a scripting language (Python, Bash, Ruby, etc)

Understanding of Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery practices

Understanding of information systems security concerns and management

Expertise with version control systems, especially in Git/GitHub

Good to have:

Experience with database management systems and/or Apache Spark

Production exposure to public cloud providers (Google Cloud, AWS, Azure)

Exposure to Docker/Kubernetes environment

Proficiency in Python development

Solid software development experience in any statically typed language (Scala/Java/C++/Golang)

Familiarity with monitoring systems (Prometheus, Grafana, etc)

Spezialisierungen: Linux
Schlüsselwörter: Full Remote
Mehr als 3 Jahre
Obere Mittelstufe
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