Strong Middle Manual QA - 21429
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Ich arbeite seit fast 4 Jahren als Software Quality Control Engineer. Als QC-Ingenieur habe ich an drei langfristigen Projekten gearbeitet. Ich habe Testplanung, Anforderungsanalyse, Schätzung, Testdesign, Softwaretests, Testmanagement und Mentoring von Nachwuchskräften durchgeführt.
Ich habe Erfahrung im Testen webbasierter Anwendungen mit der Scrum-Methodik.
Ich bin freundlich, verantwortungsbewusst, ergebnisorientiert, selbstmotiviert und verfüge über gute Soft Skills.
Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"
Bachelor. Fakultät: Соціології та соціальної роботи
Fachgebiet: Соціальна робота
September 2013
- Juni 2017
Junior/Middle QC Engineer
April 2019
- 2021
- Analyzing user stories and requirements
- Test design
- Writing and maintaining test cases
- Performing functional and UI testing
- Reporting bugs
- Analyzing automation test run reports – on a daily basis
- Writing test summary reports
- Mentoring new team members
Middle/Senior QC Engineer
- 2022
- Analyzing user stories and requirements
- Preparing QC activities estimates
- Prioritizing tasks
- Analyzing test conditions
- Writing test cases
- Measuring test coverage
- Performing functional and UI testing
- Analyzing customer issues
- Supporting developers with test data for issues
- Analyzing web app logs
- Reporting bugs and incidents
- Identifying which Test Cases should be automated
- Analyzing automation test run reports – not on a daily basis
- Updating Test Strategy, Risk register
- Writing Test Plans
- Writing Test Summary Reports
- Gathering metrics
- Presenting demo for customers
Senior QC Engineer
- 2023
- Analyzing user stories and requirements
- Preparing QC activities estimates
- Prioritizing tasks
- Planning and scheduling QC activities during the sprint
- Ensuring that QC procedures are properly understood, carried out, and evaluated by team members
- Tracking QC team load, performing status tracking
- Analyzing test conditions
- Writing test cases
- Performing peer review of designed Test Cases
- Performing functional and UI testing
- Analyzing customer issues
- Supporting developers with test data for issues
- Analyzing web app logs
- Reporting bugs and incidents
- Writing Test Summary Reports
- Gathering metrics
- Presenting demo for customers
- Communicating and negotiating with customers
- Providing Project trainings for new people
- HIPPA trainings on regular basis (e.g. Core Concepts: HIPAA, Core Concepts: OWASP)