Software Engineer - 21910 Outstaffing

Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen
Spezialisierung: PHP Java HTML
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7+ Jahre Erfahrung in der Softwareentwicklung

• Mehr als 7 Jahre Erfahrung in der Softwareentwicklung

• Eigenmotiviert, verantwortungsbewusst, detailverliebt

• Effektives selbstständiges und kooperatives Arbeiten in Teams

• Verfügt über starke analytische Fähigkeiten und hervorragende Kommunikationsfähigkeiten, die Fähigkeit, große Mengen an Informationen aufzunehmen und wichtige Probleme schnell zu identifizieren

• Ausgerichtet auf den Projekterfolg und die Verknüpfung von Geschäftszielen

Technische Fähigkeiten:

Programmiersprachen: PHP, JavaScript, ECMAScript 6, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, HAML, Sass,

Frameworks: Laravel, Lumen, Vue.js, React

Bibliotheken: jQuery, Nuxt.js

Cloud-Plattformen: Amazon Web Services

Datenbank: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, Memcached

Server: Nginx, Apache

Google-Dienste: OAuth, Drive, Analytics, Domains

Facebook-Dienste: OAuth, Instagram-Plattform

Zahlungssysteme: Paypal, Stripe, Klarna

Werbesysteme: Taboola, Outbrain, Yahoo Gemini,

Andere: Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Digital Ocean, PhpStorm, Git, Jira, Trello, Circle CI

Full Stack Engineer
Waverley Software
März 2022

Project 1: Multi-application platform with AI core. PWA Modular architecture with Redux and Redux Saga. Cypress and Jest testing. AWS Cognito for authentication.

Technologies: React, Typescript, Vue.js

Full Stack Engineer
Oktober 2020 - März 2022

Project 1: Multi-repository project builder with Porto & Apiato architecture

Technologies: Laravel, Vue.js

Project 2: CRM system for Accountant

Technologies: Laravel with Laravel Forge, Vue.js, Tailwind CSS

Project 3: System for Syncing between different CMS with different payment methods

Technologies: Laravel with Laravel Forge, Vue.js, Tailwind CSS, AWS, Stripe

Project 4: Startup - a huge site-builder system with different integrations, APIs and Payment systems built on multiple containers

Technologies: Laravel, Vue.js, Grapes.js, Jenkins, AWS

Full Stack Engineer
April 2018 - Oktober 2020

project 1: Advertising system

Technologies: Laravel, AWS, Docker, Yahoo Gemini, Outbrain, Taboola

Project 2: Server-side parts for Web Game.

Technologies: Laravel, Redis, AWS, Vagrant

Project 3: System for Driving schools

Technologies: Laravel, Blade with Vue.js components, Redis, Klarna

Project 4: Social network for Lawyers

Technologies: Laravel, ElasticSearch, AWS, Redis

Project 5: Letter generating system with Payments

Technologies: Laravel, Nuxt.js, Stripe, Paypal, Docker, PDFtk

Full Stack Engineer
E-commerce project
2019 - 2021

Project 1: Store with Market platform functionality

Technologies: Laravel with Vue SPA, Paypal, Tailwind, Webpack, PurgeCSS, Redis

Software Engineer
2018 - 2018

Project 1: Food delivery with Store functionality. SPA Application with multi-server communication and cross-site parsing. Products catalog builder. Interactive map

Technologies: Lumen, React, Redux

Software Engineer
2015 - 2018

Project 1: Custom PHP project solutions for small businesses


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