Senior .NET Engineer - 22079 Outstaffing

Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen
Spezialisierung: .NET
Offen für Angebote
Kiew, Charkiw, Lemberg, Odesa, Dnipro, Poltava, Czernowitz
Über 5 Jahre
Obere Mittelstufe
Optionen in Betracht ziehen
Bürojob in Vollzeit
Fernarbeit (Vollzeit)
Freiberuflich (einmalige Projekte)
Umzug in eine andere Stadt

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Erfahrung: 8+ Jahre in .NET
National Technical University of Ukraine Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Meister. Fakultät: Institute for Applied System Analysis
Fachgebiet: Department of Mathematical Methods of Systems Analysis
September 2017 - Dezember 2017

National Technical University of Ukraine Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Meister. Fakultät: Institute for Applied System Analysis
Fachgebiet: Department of Mathematical Methods of Systems Analysis
September 2015 - Dezember 2017

Senior .NET Engineer
DCode consulting
Juli 2020

Domains: FinTech, ECom


− Design and implementation of various high-load systems

Tools and technologies: .NET Core, Kubernetes, OTL, Google Cloud, AWS, Swagger, Postman, OpenApi,

Docker, Git, Azure Devops, Dapper, MS SQL, MongoDb, RabbitMq.

Senior .NET Developer
JustEat Takeaway (Ciklum)
August 2012 - Juli 2020

Domain: ECom


− Design and implementation of different parts of an order processing subsystem for the customer

operations department

− Set up and tuning of AWS cloud infrastructure

− Implementation of e2e\integration\unit tests

− On-call production support

Tools and technologies: .NET Core, NancyFx ASP.NET Core, Consul, Swagger, NUnit, XUnit, Moq, NSubstitute, MediatR, SpecFlow, Mountebank, JMeter, Autofac, StatsD, Graphite, Grafana, TeamCity, Nuget, Docker, Concourse CI, Git, Github, AWS: SNS, SQS, CloudWatch, ELB, EC2, ASG, DynamoDB, ElasticSearch, Kibana, Lambda functions, Serverless, CloudFormation, Angular 4, TypeScript, Twillio, Optimizely

Senior .NET Developer (short-term project)
Maor Davidov LLC
Dezember 2018 - Juni 2019


− Back end development of a factory management system (IoT)

− Requirements analysis

− Implementation of auth services

Tools and technologies: .NET Core, Kestrel, ASP.NET Core, Swagger, XUnit, Moq, Mountebank, AppMetrics, BitBucket pipelines, Nuget, Docker, BitBucket, RabbitMq, Mqtt, Mosquitto, Hangfire

Senior .NET Developer
Mai 2017 - August 2018

Domain: sports betting


− Implementation of CI\CD pipeline elements

− Design and development of .NET Core based application for Microservices hosting

− Design and development of client library based on Consul KV storage for communication with


− Development of CaaS (configuration as a service) application.

− Implementation of e2e\integration\unit tests.

Tools and technologies: .NET Core, Kestrel, NancyFx ASP.NET Core, Consul, Fabio, Swagger, NUnit,

NSubstitute, SpecFlow, Mountebank, Gatling, JMeter, Unity, Autofac, AppMetrics, InfluxDB, Grafana,

Jenkins, Cake, Nuget, Docker, vagrant, Aerospike, MongoDB, RabbitMq, Kafka, Polly, Git, Bitbucket.


übersetzt von Google

Offen für Angebote
Kiew, Charkiw, Lemberg, Odesa, Dnipro, Poltava, Czernowitz
Über 5 Jahre
Obere Mittelstufe
Optionen in Betracht ziehen
Bürojob in Vollzeit
Fernarbeit (Vollzeit)
Freiberuflich (einmalige Projekte)
Umzug in eine andere Stadt
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