Senior Full Stack Developer - 23056

Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen
Spezialisierung: Front-End / JS
Offen für Angebote
Über 5 Jahre
Optionen in Betracht ziehen
Bürojob in Vollzeit
Fernarbeit (Vollzeit)
Freiberuflich (einmalige Projekte)
Umzug in eine andere Stadt

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ungewöhnliches, kreatives Denken. mathematischer (abstrakter) Ansatz zur Lösung von Problemen. Fähigkeit, mit Menschen zu kommunizieren. Finden Sie schnell eine gemeinsame Sprache. entschlossen und entscheidungsfreudig
Junior Front End
Februar 2016 - Juni 2017

■ Assist in the design, coding, testing and debugging programs according to spec- ifications and defined software engineering standards under the guidance of senior staff

■ Developing professional skills and knowledge by participating in a certain Competence Group.

Junior Strong Front End
Januar 2019 - Januar 2020

■ Assist in the design, coding, testing and debugging programs according to spec- ifications and defined software engineering standards under the guidance of senior staff

■ Maintain and document programs in accordance with standards

■ Suggesting estimates of efforts required to implement assigned tasks and ac- complish the tasks according to the schedule defined by technical management.

■ Developing professional skills and knowledge by participating in a certain Competence Group.

Middle Front-End
August 2019 - Januar 2020

■ Assist in the design, coding, testing and debugging programs according to spec- ifications and defined software engineering standards under the guidance of senior staff

■ Maintain and document programs in accordance with standards

■ Suggesting estimates of efforts required to implement assigned tasks and ac- complish the tasks according to the schedule defined by technical management.

■ Developing professional skills and knowledge by participating in a certain Competence Group.

■ Reviewing and helping teammates

Middle Front-End, Team Lead
Oktober 2019 - Februar 2021

■ Assist in the design, coding, testing and debugging programs according to spec- ifications and defined software engineering standards under the guidance of senior staff

■ Maintain and document programs in accordance with standards

■ Suggesting estimates of efforts required to implement assigned tasks and ac- complish the tasks according to the schedule defined by technical management.

■ Developing professional skills and knowledge by participating in a certain Competence Group.

■ Reviewing and helping teammates

■ Creation of technical specifications

■ Creating Application Architecture

Full Stack Engineer
November 2020

■ Design, coding, testing and debugging programs according to specifications and defined software engineering standards

■ Maintain and document programs in accordance with standards

■ Suggesting estimates of efforts required to implement assigned tasks and accomplish the tasks according to the schedule defined by technical management.

■ Developing professional skills and knowledge by participating in a certain Competence Group.

■ Reviewing and helping teammates

■ Creation of technical specifications

■ Creating Application Architecture


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Offen für Angebote
Über 5 Jahre
Optionen in Betracht ziehen
Bürojob in Vollzeit
Fernarbeit (Vollzeit)
Freiberuflich (einmalige Projekte)
Umzug in eine andere Stadt
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