Senior Android Developer - 83
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Senior Android Developer with 7 years experience
I've participated in development of 10+ projects, including multimedia, fintech, e-commerce apps etc. My main specialization is Android development, using Kotlin/Java. I love clean code/architecture, trying out new technologies/frameworks. Had some professional experience with iOS Development (Swift) and Flutter.
Also, I'm active participant of local software engineers community, I organize GDG events and do public speaking on technologies.
My curent project - Stay Plus app, which is basically a client app for with cool technological solutions. I'm part of Androids development team here.
I'd like to grow towards mobile team leading roles in the future.
Android, Kotlin, Clean Architecture, MVVM, Java, Android SDK, RxJava, Room, Retrofit, SQLite, KOIN, JSON, MVP, Gradle, Dagger 2, Firebase, OOP, Git, AndroidSDK, JSON/XML, Java/Kotlin, Jira, Retrofit 2, Coroutines, RxJava 2 + RxAndroid, Android JetPack, Glide, Android Architecture Components, Design Patterns, Custom Views/ViewGroups
Milliy - one of the first and most successful banking apps in Uzbekistan, which brought such unique innovative featurea as online converting, Card 2 Card transfers etc.
I actively participate in local IT community, organize GDG events and make presentations on professional topics
Looking for
No: banking/credit organisations, dating, gambling, cryptocurrency (as for now)
Interested, but not limited to: edutech, foodtech, healthcare