Ruby on Rails Engineer - 27731

Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen
Spezialisierung: Ruby / Rails
Offen für Angebote
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Erfahrener Ruby on Rails-Ingenieur mit über 3,5 Jahren praktischer Entwicklungserfahrung. Kenntnisse in Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL, MySQL und anderen relevanten Technologien. Erfolgreiche Bereitstellung mehrerer Webanwendungen und APIs mithilfe des Ruby on Rails-Frameworks. Starke Problemlösungsfähigkeiten und eine Leidenschaft für die Entwicklung robuster, skalierbarer und benutzerfreundlicher Softwarelösungen.
Ruby on Rails Engineer
LUFT Software
August 2020 - Januar 2022

Warehouse application for warehouse staff. It includes features for inventory tracking, recounting, transportation, and email/CSV export of various data. The application interacts with the Sales application via API, enabling functionalities such as product reservation, ordering from suppliers, sales (via Stripe), email notifications, and generating receipts. 

Ruby on Rails Engineer
Januar 2022 - November 2023

An online networking service that provides users with access to registered healthcare professionals for medical consultations. Users can schedule consultations via video, phone, or text methods, allowing for convenient and remote access to healthcare services. Additionally, it allows users to securely save and access their medical history, enabling healthcare providers to deliver more personalized care

Ruby on Rails Engineer
Goji Labs
November 2023

Mobile application designed for users of a Facebook group, offering all the functions available on Facebook groups. Users can create groups, post within groups, like posts, file complaints, and write comments. Users can join groups by invitation, password, or, if the group is open, by simply joining. Groups have moderators and administrators. Users can also upload files, and there is an admin panel available

Mobile application for the American film organization. It allows users to report anonymously or not about dangerous actions on or off the set. The app includes relevant documents that can be downloaded via the Rich Text editor. It features automatic synchronization of documents after being offline for a long time, a chat, an admin panel, and the ability to upload files/videos

ruby On rails - 4 Jahre
Ruby - 4 Jahre
Postgresql - 3 Jahre
SQL - 4 Jahre
MySQL - 2 Jahre
Redis - 2 Jahre
Elastic Search - 2 Jahre
ActiveAdmin - 1 Jahr
RSpec - 4 Jahre
VCR - 1 Jahr
Ransack - 1 Jahr
sidekiq - 2 Jahre
jQuery - 1 Jahr
docker - 4 Jahre
GraphQL - 2 Jahre

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Offen für Angebote
Mehr als 3 Jahre
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Bürojob in Vollzeit
Fernarbeit (Vollzeit)
Freiberuflich (einmalige Projekte)
Umzug in eine andere Stadt
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