Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen
QA Automation
Optionen in Betracht ziehen
Bürojob in Vollzeit
Fernarbeit (Vollzeit)
Freiberuflich (einmalige Projekte)
Umzug in eine andere Stadt
Remote work (full-time)
Volunteer for site maintenance
Zaporuka Charitable Foundation
05/2020 - 09/2020, Kiev
Site maintenance included content, regular publications and updates, remote work
kanban, Тестирование, SQL, Scrum, HTML, Postman, Jira, Testrail, CSS
Meeting successful people who actively shape my worldview
Helping the poor and disabled children
Looking for
My hobbies are: Photography, Video games, Music. In the future I want to work in the field of Game DEV, at this stage I really want to find a job in the field of testing, with the opportunity to study and get a deeper experience in IT.