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Commercial: --- Game forum. --- Video dating app. --- Social network from scratch. --- Hospital devices app. --- World tenders statistic web application. --- Attack tracker under doctor’s oversight. --- World Tenders center --- Charity platform with PayPal integration My own start-up: --- Now in WIP status Training app, where you could find, rate or create best trainings for your body-type with usefull tips for you to create body from your dreams, to improve your muscle tonus, or take rehabilitation practice. Skills ★★★★☆ JavaScript
★★★★☆ Node.js
★★★☆☆ TypeScript
★★★☆☆ RestAPI
★★★★☆ Express.js
★★★☆☆ MongoDB
★★★☆☆ MySQL
★★☆☆☆ Docker
★★★☆☆ NestJS
★★★☆☆ TypeORM
★★★☆☆ Swagger Looking for Have an opportunity to grow myself in great team of profecional, kind, and humorous people. I don't want to work with unorganized people.
Sync 1-to-1
Elephant Stock
INDUSTRY: Marketplace
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Marketplace for creation or just buying wall arts.
RESPONSIBILITIES: Implementing new logic, fixing old bugs, writing tests for the existed services
TOOLS & TECHNOLOGIES: Typescript, AWS Lambda, AWS S3, MongoDB
INDUSTRY: Technical expertise
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Technical support + monitoring service
POSITION: Node.js developer
RESPONSIBILITIES: Implementing new logic, fixing old bugs, 3rd party integration, particularly project and DB architecture design, mentorship
TOOLS & TECHNOLOGIES: Node.js, Azure Functions, CosmosDB, Azure Function
POSITION: Node.js developer
RESPONSIBILITIES: Implementing new logic, fixing old bugs, 3rd party integrations, mentorship
TOOLS & TECHNOLOGIES: Node.js, Express.js, PayPal, MySQL, Sequelize
INDUSTRY: World tenders
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: World tenders info and trading
POSITION: Node.js developer
RESPONSIBILITIES: Implementing new logic, fixing old bugs
TOOLS & TECHNOLOGIES: Node.js, Rest-API, Express.js, MySQL, TypeORM, Elastic Search