.Net/Xamarin Developer - 22
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.Net/Xamarin Developer
C#, .NET, Xamarin.Forms - 5 years commercial experience, Asp.Net WebApi, ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework, familiar with Objective-C, Swift (base level)
Experience with full AppStore deployment flow
Xamarin.Forms, .NET, C#, MVC, asp.net mvc, ASP.NET WebAPI, Entity Framework, Xamarin.iOS, LINQ, .NET Core, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git, REST API, SOLID, .Asp.Net Core, Asp.Net Core, Microservices, Swagger, MassTransit, RabbitMQ, Docker
Few uploaded to AppStore and Google Play projects, part of the team of Asp.Net Core microservice solution as backend developer, participating in complicated mobile-app-generation project, part of the team of E-commerce project - Web\BackEnd\Mobile apps