.NET developer - 498

Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen
Offen für Angebote
800 $
2 Jahre
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Oct, 2016 - Apr, 2019, Technical support manager Automation of first and second support lines tasks. Created tools on WPF/WinForms for game logs analysis. Typical application workflow was getting data from SQL server, processing and table output or export in .csv/.xlsx. Jun, 2019 - Aug, 2020, Unity game developer MergeVille mobile game developing. Created AI system for in-game characters based on behavior tree. Took part in developing quest system, tutorial, different level mechanics, UI, etc. Also refactored some core game logic in match-3-like game prototype. ABOUT MYSELF C#/.NET developer with versatile experience and strong self-learning habit. Predominantly looking for a back-end position, excited to work with ASP.NET Core framework. Have a small learning app "LibraryApp", in which I tried to implement CQRS pattern and some elements of domain-driven design. Also right now I am working on yet another pet project, TradeStats. It's a tool for cryptocurrency trades accounting. Check out Github link. Skills C#/.NET, ASP .NET Core, MS SQL Server, Entity Framework Core, WebApi, Git, WPF, Unity3D, NUnit, Moq
Offen für Angebote
800 $
2 Jahre
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Fernarbeit (Vollzeit)
Freiberuflich (einmalige Projekte)
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