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Als Ruby-Softwareentwickler verfüge ich über eine mehr als 3-jährige Berufserfahrung, in der ich meine Fähigkeiten im Entwerfen effizienter Lösungen und im Bewältigen von Programmierherausforderungen erworben habe. Ich komme aus der Ukraine und meine Leidenschaft für das Programmieren und mein Talent für Problemlösungen waren die treibenden Kräfte auf meinem beruflichen Weg. Ich vertraue auf meine Fähigkeit, qualitativ hochwertige Software zu entwickeln und zu warten, und strebe danach, über die neuesten Technologien und Trends in der Branche auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben.
The project is flexible platform designed for e-coaching and e-assessments. Advisors can assign and create customized tests with various elements for candidates. The platform enables tracking of completed assessments and their evaluations. It also generates detailed reports evaluating all characteristics of a candidate. And provides a seamless interface for managing assessments and evaluations.
It is a pharmacy platform project that enables users to find, reserve, and order medical products. Users could easily order medicines with delivery and with secure payment transactions. The project is based on the Ruby on Rails framework and Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform which provides semantic search, pipelines, storage integration, and manageable VMs.
This project provides the company's internal employees with a platform for processing, storing, and downloading data which consists of the company's products and coupons. Data comes from the other internal services with the help of Apache Kafka message broker. Due to the enormous amount of data records, the main database of the project is DynamoDB, which allows it to work with thousands of records efficiently. This platform is based on 3 microservices that communicate with each other through a Kafka message broker. The first microservice consumes data with information about new products, promotions, and coupons and processes them through MySQL requests, and after that produces them for the next service. The second microservice is responsible for setting desired options through the web interface with which the client`s employees work, all these configurations are saved and produced to the next service for further processing, after which the client`s employee can download a ready-made CSV file with all the information prepared.