Stellenanzeigen veröffentlichen
Ohne Provisionen einstellen
Entwicklung von Softwarelösungen aus hochrangigen Geschäftsanforderungen
Entwicklung skalierbarer RESTful- und GraphQL-Webdienste mit Scala
Entwerfen von Persistenzschichten für RDBMS-Systeme
Wartung von Softwareprodukten nach der Veröffentlichung
Durchführen von Codebase-Reviews
- Designing and developing software products from concept to release
- Working on software architecture design: analyzing requirements, creating data models, designing complex modules and features
- Building CI/CD workflows and deploying web applications on AWS and Azure clouds
- Maintaining web applications in production environments
- Designing and implementing load/stress testing of web application backends
- Writing API documentation
- Onboarding new team members, conducting code reviews
- Design and development of RESTful and GraphQL services in Scala with Play 2 and Akka
- Designing persistence layers for Relational and NoSQL DBMS
- Maintaining web products, creating load tests
- Communication with clients in English