Junior Project Manager - 1283
Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen
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Junior Project Manager
\- Technical support team lead with 3 years of experience in the IT industry.
\- Understanding of software development lifecycle.
\- Skilled with Redmine, Jira, Git, Wiki, CRM-system and other tools.
\- Planning and time management.
\- Great experience in working with clients.
\- Reaching KPI and SLA compliance.
\- Good testing experience.
Jira, CRM, HelpDesk, customer support, business development, product
management, Product support, project management, Business analyse,
\- Guideline for main patterns of the warehouse system was created.
\- Business process of interaction between support and dev team was created.
\- Developed and implemented life cycle of the ticket.
\- Channels for communication with clients were added.