Java Developer - 548

Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen
Spezialisierung: Java
Offen für Angebote
1 000 $
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Hotel project Sep 2020 – Dec 2020 Developed a web application that automates the work of the hotel at all levels: the administrative part, the staff part and the customer part. Each of the participants is endowed with roles and can perform the actions allowed to him. The system has a mechanism to protect against attempts to manage information if the user does not have the authority to do so. TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGIES: Java, Spring MVC, Spring Security, MySQL, Html, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap. Forum project Jun 2019 – Aug 2019 A three-tier web forum application. It has user authentication with all the features of a web forum. During development, the Spring framework was used. There is a MySQL DBMS as a database. The frontend uses the Bootstrap framework. TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGIES: Java, Spring Framework, JavaScript, Html, CSS, MySQL, Bootstrap etc. Hotel project microservices Sep 2020 – Dec 2020 Microservices system project. This simulates the operations in a hotel. Each of the services is responsible for one department of the hotel and has a separate database. The application implements two APIs: REST and gRPC. TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGIES: Java, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, Microservices, REST api, gRPC, RabbitMQ. Competitive programming Sep 2015 – May 2018 Olympic programming with the solution of algorithmic problems of increased complexity. Winner of several levels of the Olympiad. TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGIES: C++ Skills Java, Spring, JDBC, MySQL, Git, Maven, Hibernate, Design Patterns, Tomcat, Web Development, SQL, Spring Boot, Docker, REST, OOP Highlights Experience of Olympic programming of different levels
Offen für Angebote
1 000 $
1 Jahr
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Fernarbeit (Vollzeit)
Freiberuflich (einmalige Projekte)
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