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Arbeitete an verschiedenen Projekten, darunter Frontend-Entwicklung mit React, Angular und Vue, Backend-Dienste mit Node.js und NestJS sowie mobile Anwendungen mit React Native und Swift. Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden zur Entwicklung skalierbarer, leistungsstarker Anwendungen und integrierter Cloud-Lösungen (AWS/GCP).
Bachelor- und Masterabschluss in Informatik und Mathematik. GW University.
Developing UI and Backend for complex examination systems from scratch using ReactJS, Redux (RTK Query),, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB. Perfecting UI using MUI and Bootstrap.
Adding new pages to crypto exchange platform, ConJobs, cryptocurrency support and tests using NestJS (ReactJS/React Native, Angular, Ethers.js on FrontEnd), DevOps stack Kubernetes, Docker, Drone IO, etherJS.
Backend and service implementation for payment platforms and attestation services, e-commerce from scratch using Java, React Native MUI/Ant design, ReactJS/Angular/Vue, NextJS/Nuxt, NestJS, MySQL.
Working with AWS/GCP on cloud and Full UI and multiple pages of applications using Swift.
Worked on various projects, including front-end development with React, Angular, back-end services with Node.js and NestJS, and mobile applications using React Native and Swift. Collaborated with clients to develop scalable, high-performance applications and integrated cloud solutions (AWS/GCP).