Full Stack Developer - 21657 Outstaffing

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Mittlerer + vollständiger Stack (Python + React) Preis - 26 $ Standort - Aserbaidschan Beginnen Sie - so schnell wie möglich Eng - B2

Bachelor-Abschluss in Informatik. Fullstack-Entwickler mit Backend-Erfahrung. 4 Jahre Erfahrung in der Entwicklung von REST-APIs, hauptsächlich mit Python und Django. Detail orientiert. Vollständiges Verständnis des gesamten Prozesses der Softwareerstellung - von der Idee bis zum Design, Frontend, Backend und mehr.

Programmieren ist meine Leidenschaft, da ich hinterfragt habe, wie Computer funktionieren und Jobs liebe, die das Lernen und den Umgang mit neuen Technologien fördern.


Django, Python, DRF, Sellerie, DRF, GraphQL, ООР,

HTML, CSS, GIT, JavaScript, SQL, ReactJS, Docker, Redis, JavaSE, TypeScript

FullStack Developer
GetApp Group, Ukraine
Dezember 2022

FuLLStack DeveLoper
PadSpLit.com, AtLanta, GA
Juni 2021 - November 2022

5 year old startup оп real-estate for renting rooms of а house seperately to produce affordaЫe housing. Worked remotely. Transitioned from backend to fullstack developer here. Started learning and successfully using React. lmplemented both backend and frontend features, participated in code reviews, actively engaged in shaping the future of the company. lmproved myself оп remote work, frontend technologies, testing, communications...

Backend DeveLoper
MaLLExpress • Baku
August 2019 - Mai 2020

Ап online marketplace. l've done architecting and building the project. The site was full of features. lt was а good exprience for me as а developer. Some of the features of the platform that I implemented аге: determining geographical coordinates from address and vice-versa. Calculating user's distance from а store.

Dynamically converting product prices for user's currency which is determined Ьу user's geograhpical location.

Backend DeveLoper
Safaroff Agency • Baku
April 2017 - Juli 2019

Supported legacy projects, also created new Django projects based оп requirements. Tested them and deployed them to production servers. Created REST APls for moblle and web backends, maintained apps" Worked with SOAP services via zeep library of Python. Used celery and celery beat for asynchronous tasks and to refresh data.


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Freiberuflich (einmalige Projekte)
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