Flutter Developer - 23073

Gepostet vor über 30 Tagen
Spezialisierung: Flutter
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Kompetent: Dart, NodeJS, ReactJS, Android, Kotlin, Bloc, Getx, TypeScript, Stripe, OAuth2.0, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL Vertraut: C++, C#, Java, Go Schüleraktivität • Teilnahme am LMR-Wettbewerb (Line Maze Robot) im Jahr 2019. ® Entwickelte Arduino-Code für ein Robotersystem, das mit einer C#-Windows-Anwendungs-GUI gesteuert werden soll. о Automatisierter Code implementiert, der es dem Roboter ermöglicht, durch ein Labyrinth mit einer Breite von 75 cm und einer Roboterbreite von 65 cm zu navigieren.
Flutter Engineer (Remote)
Juli 2022

• Successfully identified and resolved critical bugs in a production app, resulting in improved user experience.

• Implemented UI/UX design changes to enhance the user interface of the app, increasing user engagement and satisfaction.

• Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure the timely resolution of issues and successful deployment of updates.

• The app is available on the Apple Store and the PlayStore

Software Engineer
Juni 2021 - Juni 2022

• Developed AI push-up counter program in Python to detect and count correct push-ups with trained data.

• Utilized multithreading to show images in real-time, increasing frame rate by 500%.

• Optimized program by converting the model into TensorFlow-light.

Flutter Engineer
August 2020 - Mai 2021

• Developed a Flutter website, El Khyma, for Ramadan month in 3 weeks, available for public view on GitHub.

• Collaborated directly with the company CEO to create a website that collects and displays a series of times and the best Egyptian food recipes, as well as a Quran reading section and prayer times.

• Developed an e-learning platform app called Pixel Academia with 10k+ downloads, using Flutter and Firebase.

• Implemented state management using the Flutter Provider package

Flutter Engineer
Juli 2019 - Juni 2020

• developed three Applications and upload them on Appstore and two on the play store

• created a 500+ downloads mobile app Hotelier card and upload it on the play store, Appstore

• participated in the Waqar application E-commerce App in Saudi Arabia Appstore, play store

• developed Mansa and Improved skills in using rest APIs, how to design Flutter UI screens, Appstore


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Offen für Angebote
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Fernarbeit (Vollzeit)
Freiberuflich (einmalige Projekte)
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