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Ich bin Informatikingenieur und habe meinen Abschluss an der Universität für Informatik gemacht. Ich arbeite seit 14 Jahren als Softwareentwickler, hauptsächlich als Webentwickler. Verwendung grundsätzlich agiler Methoden mit unterschiedlichen Technologien. Immer offen für das Studium und Erlernen neuer Technologien.
■ Projects:
□ Wassermeloni: Automatization of almost all process in the company.
■ Team: 3 | Backend and Frontend Developer
■ Main Technologies: Ruby on Rails, Postgres, Redis, Sidekiq, Searchkick, ActiveStorage, Doorkeeper, Kettle-Pentaho, Rspec, Docker, Angular.
□ SKILLZ.ENGINEER(second version): Social network that provides a skills level matrix with the contacts/group members of a logged in user. The user can add contacts, be in groups, give her own suggestion about a person's level in a specified skill, add a new skill, send email messages, etc.
■ Team: 4(1 backend developer, 1 frontend developer, 1 designer and 1 project manager) | Backend Developer
■ Main Technologies: GraphQL with Rails on the backend side and React/Apollo on the frontend side.
□ SKILLZ.ENGINEER(first version): Social network that provides a skills level matrix with the contacts/group members of a logged in user. The user can add contacts, be in groups, give her own suggestion about a person's level in a specified skill, add a new skill, send email messages, etc.
■ Team: 4(2 software developers, 1 designer and 1 project manager) | FullStack Developer
■ Main Technologies: Ruby on Rails, VueJS, Vuex, Bootstrap, Axios, Bootstrap-Vue, Html5, Css3, Sass, Babel, Eslint, Prettier, MongoDB, UnitTests (MiniTest).
■ Projects:
□ Beesor: Survey System for Cuban government.
■ Team: 10+ software developers, 1 designer and 1 project manager.
■ Main Technologies: Ruby on Rails, JS, Html, Css, Sass, PostgreSQL,
■ BDD + TDD (Cucumber, RSpec and Capybara)
■ Knowledges:
□ Web Programming: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
□ Back-end: PHP, Symfony, REST API
□ Database: SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL
□ Version Control Systems: Git, Subversion, GitHub, Gitlab
□ Web Design: Adobe Photoshop, Gimp
□ Desktop development: C++
□ Functional Skills: Teamwork, Fast & continuous learning and delivery.